van leijsen
artist statement
Photo: Jolijn Snijders
Imagine looking in the mirror,
Staring deep into the eyes in front of you.
Separating the reflection from yourself
And leaving reality for what it is.
Going into the sweet lakes of your own daydreams.
Imagine capturing this gaze so distant to you,
Yet so close.
Living in this daydream and letting your hands
Create the work captured deep inside you.
Letting your inner reality take the overhand.
I am a maker. Building works with only the material and my hands only is the thing I found peace and balance in.

Drawing and painting is something I never questioned, it has always flowed out of me. It started with drawing, later painting, and now at Willem de Kooning Academy, I’m expanding my practice with materials such as fabric, ceramic, and installation works.

When I work, I’m able to escape reality for a bit and dream off to a place chosen by my mind. This form of escapism gives me autonomy and a drive to continue making. The self-created illusion is a theme I touch upon in many of my works. One thing I would like to achieve with all my works is to have the most fun with it since I enjoy creating so much. My goal is to bring this joy, and my attention to detail, to the viewers.

So have fun looking around on my website, know I had fun making it!
T: +31631229333
September 2021